FEV Consulting, Intelligence and Foresight, professional male engineer wearing smart glasses
FEV Consulting Intelligence and Foresight Hero Image mobile
FEV Consulting, Intelligence and Foresight, professional male engineer wearing smart glasses
FEV Consulting Intelligence and Foresight Hero Image

Intelligence and Foresight

Stay ahead of
the curve

Market and technology intelligence

Unlock growth opportunities and stay ahead of the competition with FEV Consulting’s distinctive and proven approach. Discover how regulatory analysis ensures compliance and future-proof products, market forecasting uncovers growth opportunities, technology roadmapping guides strategic decisions, and competitive analysis gives you an edge. Ensure your future product development and strategic planning decisions are informed by FEV Consulting’s deep market and technology understanding and unique insights from being part of the ecosystem.

FEV Consulting, Intelligence and Foresight, person pointing at digital map and data on screen
FEV Consulting Intelligence and Foresight Feature image
FEV Consulting, Intelligence and Foresight, person pointing at digital map and data on screen
FEV Consulting Intelligence and Foresight Feature image

Be prepared to make the right decisions!

Regulation analysis

Regulation is a key driver of future market and technology trends. At FEV Consulting, we provide insight into recent legislation, incentives and other regulatory elements, as well as expected future changes, based on our relationships with regulators and industry members. Our analysis and assessment will highlight the impact on your products and future development needs.

Market analysis & forecasting

Be aware of relevant market characteristics and trends to ensure that your products and services meet market expectations and increase customer satisfaction. At FEV Consulting, we support you with in-depth market insights that go beyond commercial databases. In addition, we provide highly valuable insights from “voice of the customer” and “voice of the industry” surveys.

Technology roadmapping

Technology roadmapping links innovation to strategic decisions. With FEV Consulting’s deep technical expertise, we ensure a clear understanding of technology trends as a basis for recognizing relevant implications for your product portfolio and identifying potential new product opportunities.


Competitor analysis

Stay ahead of your competitors! With our deep industry and product expertise, we can help you understand industry best practices, differentiate your products and services, meet customer needs better than your competitors, and differentiate your brand from the competition.


Our services to develop tailored products

Developing tailored products that meet today’s and tomorrow’s market and customer needs is critical to the success of your business. With our FEV Consulting market & technology intelligence services, we help you understand the relevant trends in market pull and technology push to make the right decisions for the future.

FEV Consulting supported a customer from the oil and gas industry in understanding relevant regulations in the transport sector with regard to final energy consumption (e.g. CO2 regulations) as well as low carbon fuel regulations (e.g. EU Renewable Energy Directive) in the automotive, commercial vehicle, aviation and marine sectors. This analysis served as a key input for modeling the future energy demand of the transport fleet.

FEV Consulting has helped several Tier X suppliers to better understand future technology trends in electric vehicle thermal management (TM) systems. This includes related trends for the individual electric drivetrain components (battery, EDU, power electronics), the integration of these components into a holistic vehicle TM system (coupling of TM circuits, heat pumps), trends for the key TM system components (valves, electric water pumps, heat exchangers, integrated components) as well as implications from regulations (e.g. PFAS refrigerant ban).

Based on FEV Consulting´s deep understanding of future technology and industry trends, we assist our clients in estimating future demand for their specific products or materials. We typically base such estimates on our proprietary FEV powertrain forecasts, our deep insight into the OEM and supplier landscape as well as our profound understanding of technology trends. Using this approach, FEV Consulting has estimated future demand for specific materials such as graphite or thermal interface materials, fluids, and specific products such as electric water pumps or high voltage electrical safety devices.

A structured VoC process – either based on online surveys, telephone calls or face-to-face meetings – has been an integral part of several FEV Consulting market & technology studies for a wide range of products in different industries. Examples include surveys to better understand customer requirements and expectations for future products, satisfaction with products available on the market, relevant decision criteria, willingness to pay, or customer awareness of different brands. Based on our many years of experience with VoC, we ensure high-quality results through thorough respondent screening and quality control of responses, as well as proper preparation of survey or interview questions.

FEV Consulting has assisted clients in their decision making process during the identification of new product opportunities or early product definition phase by leveraging our industry network and speaking with technical experts or decision makers of potential customers. Based on this “voice of the industry” feedback, our clients were able to better align their products with real market needs. In addition, we have been able to identify promising target customers and, as a next step, we can assist you in establishing a direct contact between you and a promising customer for your products.

FEV Consulting helped a global off-road OEM entering a new product segment to better understand the competitive landscape (“Who are the main competitors?”), their detailed product portfolio (“What products do they offer?”) and product characteristics (“What are the key performance and product features?”). Based on the detailed product understanding, we evaluated the various competitor products using a scoring system to identify the most promising products for a next-step benchmarking activity.

FEV Consulting, Technology Strategies, Abstract blocks of glowing cubes on a dark background
FEV Consulting Technology Strategies Preview Image


Product and Technology Strategies


FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben

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