Our pasion in Energy - we drive the energy transition
Our pasion in Energy - we drive the energy transition
Our pasion in Energy - we drive the energy transition
Our pasion in Energy - we drive the energy transition


We drive the
energy transition

FEV Consulting, Future, Urban Environment, City, Sustainability
FEV Consulting, Future, Urban Environment, City, Sustainability

Decarbonizing the energy landscape

Ensuring sustainable, equitable,
and reliable energy

Energy is a fundamental driver of economic activity, powering our homes, industries, and transportation systems. As countries transition to decentralized, decarbonized, and digital energy systems, it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop energy systems that are secure, equitable, and environmentally sustainable. In this new energy world, full of both opportunities and challenges, a successful transition must be achieved through a cross-industry approach, requiring each industry to look beyond its own horizons.


Roadmap to stay on
the 1.5 °C pathway

Source: IRENA – World Energy Transition Outlook 2023


  • 0 GW
    annual deployment of renewable power is needed, compared to 300 GW in 2022
  • 0K USD
    investment is required until 2050, averaging over USD 5 trillion per year
  • 0 million
    Employment in the renewable energy sector to grow from 13.7 million jobs to 40 million by 2050
HyperTheme - Energy - Disruptive changes and opportunities - well-designed transition strategies needed. People are gathered around solar pannels
HyperTheme - Energy - Disruptive changes and opportunities - well-designed transition strategies needed

Disruptive changes and opportunities ahead

Well-designed transition strategies needed

The energy transition is accelerating, but it remains challenging and fraught with uncertainty. Factors such as uncertain technology trends, geopolitical risks, and consumer behavior make it challenging to shape resilient investment strategies. Decision-makers are struggling to balance long-term decarbonization goals and short-term economic returns. While progress has been made, the clean energy transition requires concerted efforts, policy changes, and increased investment to accelerate the shift toward a sustainable future. Well-designed transition strategies must be developed and implemented.

FEV Consulting builds bridges between the energy and mobility industries

Helping you navigate the rapidly evolving energy landscape

At FEV Consulting, we understand that the energy sector is undergoing disruptive change. Our mission is to guide you through this transformation and ensure that your organization stays ahead of the curve. For years, we have helped clients scale zero-carbon solutions and technologies and create new business models. With our unique combination of technical expertise in the energy sector and strategic management capabilities, we help clients across the entire value chain to answer their key questions. Reach out to our team of experienced energy consultants to navigate through the complex and rapidly evolving energy landscape and a competitive environment.

Our focus areas
in energy

At FEV Consulting, we address today’s challenges and opportunities in the following areas: energy systems – approaching complex systems from different angles, hydrogen systems – contributing to one of the most emerging fields, future fuels – supporting in all types of green molecules, charging ecosystems – enabling the electric vehicle revolution.

A modern building which is chargedn with a wind mill
HyperTheme Energy - Energy systems - balancing sustainable energy supply and demand creates new challenges and opportunities

Energy systems

In future energy systems, balancing sustainable energy supply and demand creates new challenges and opportunities. Our mission is to maximize efficiency and minimize the environmental impact of your ecosystem.


hyperTheme - Energy - Hydrogen systems - Hydrogen is at the forefront and has the potential to revolutionize the energy and mobility landscape
hyperTheme - Energy - Hydrogen systems - Hydrogen is at the forefront and has the potential to revolutionize the energy and mobility landscape

Hydrogen systems

Hydrogen is at the forefront and has the potential to revolutionize the energy and mobility landscape. We support you along the value chain and for various applications from production, transport, and storage to use in various industries.


Electric and biomass fuels are vital for cutting carbon. We offer full strategies for their use. They're eco-friendly alternatives, reducing emissions. Integration needs planning and collaboration. Tech and policy advancements boost viability. Research drives their potential. Public support is key for adoption and benefits.
Electric and biomass fuels are vital for cutting carbon. We offer full strategies for their use. They're eco-friendly alternatives, reducing emissions. Integration needs planning and collaboration. Tech and policy advancements boost viability. Research drives their potential. Public support is key for adoption and benefits.

Future fuels

Fuels made from electricity and biomass will play a crucial role in decarbonizing the energy ecosystem. We can help you develop holistic strategies and concepts that include fuel demand modeling, fuel production, infrastructure, and use.


An electric car is charging in a green sorounding
HyperTheme - Energy - Charging ecosystems

Charging ecosystems

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of mobility. The development, deployment and operation of charging ecosystems, taking into account the challenges of energy economics, is a critical aspect to enable the targeted electrification of the on- and off-road sector.

HyperTheme - Energy - Graphics - Three phases of energy transition
HyperTheme - Energy - Graphics - Three phases of energy transition

Three phases of the energy transition

The transformation towards sustainable energy unfolds across three distinct phases:

  1. Bringing CO2-neutral technologies to market maturity
  2. Harmonization of energy demand and volatile supply through sector coupling
  3. Establishment of long-term storage systems for excess energy and replacement of fossil energy sources.

Phase I has been successfully accomplished. It is our mission to leverage the technology potential from the first stage by shaping a world with coupled sectors in phase 2.

Decarbonizing the transportation sector

Forecasting the future energy demand mix

Long-term decarbonization targets have been set for the transportation sector to mitigate climate change. As some technologies are shared across several sectors, the potential for cross-sectoral competitive dynamics is high. The objective of a recent study conducted by FEV Consulting was to explore these dynamics and assess how policies would affect the development of different energy vectors and feedstock combinations. The results clearly show that meeting global ambitions will lead to a dramatic shift in the way energy is supplied and consumed. Ensuring an adequate supply of these energy sources will be the primary challenge, which only increases when one considers the demand from other industries to use the same renewable sources.

Battery recycling

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption surges, managing end-of-life (EoL) lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is a growing challenge. By 2040, over 1 billion tons of EoL batteries will require recycling, making sustainability, cost efficiency, and regulatory compliance key concerns for Original Equipment…

OGCI | FEV – Net zero 2050

Reaching Net Zero 2050 will require a complete transformation of energy supply and demand. While electrification and hydrogen will dominate ground transport, liquid fuels will continue playing a crucial role in aviation and shipping. The real challenge lies in ensuring…

Electrification and Industry Transformation

The transition to electrified powertrains is reshaping the manufacturing value chain, with legacy combustion engine components facing a €50 billion decline by 2040. Meanwhile, battery systems, electric motors, and fuel cell technologies will drive €68 billion in new business potential.

Fuel Cell Elements with a blue background
Fuel Cell Elements with a blue background

Fuel Cell technology

The future of zero-emission vehicles The global automotive industry is rapidly transitioning toward zero-emission powertrains, with fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) playing a critical role. By 2030, over 60 million fuel cell vehicles are expected to enter the market, driven…

Electrification NRRM

The electrification of Mobile Machinery in agriculture and construction is a feasible yet ambitious undertaking, driven by a variety of factors aimed at achieving a more sustainable industry beyond 2030. The study analyzes four use cases within construction and agriculture,…

FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben
FEV Consulting Pfeil in Tealfarben

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with our team

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